Although network marketing has the potential of low cost, high efficiency, and high output, many small and medium-sized enterprises have no effect after they have launched online marketing. What are the factors that have caused SMEs' network marketing to be so effective? And comprehensive analysis, the following five factors can be used for SMEs to carry out network marketing reference:
First, the corporate website is behind and lacks marketing and conversion functions
What is a marketing website? A marketing website refers to site planning based on corporate marketing goals, with good search engine performance and user experience, a complete evaluation system, and the ability to organically use multiple means to convert visitors into customer services for corporate marketing purposes. website.
Whether SME websites have a strong marketing ability is the most important factor in whether network marketing can achieve the best results. As far as the entire network of business activities is concerned, the client will eventually find the product or service he intends to purchase, and finally find out whether it is the ultimate intention or potential customer. Therefore, the establishment of a marketing website will become crucial for SMEs.
Compared with ordinary corporate websites, marketing websites have obvious advantages and characteristics. It considers from a variety of different perspectives and needs, comprehensively analyzes corporate websites, and ultimately integrates various website functions and services. Has a strong marketing function and marketing value, the pursuit of the ultimate marketing effect.
Second, invalid promotion methods
Nowadays, on the entire Internet, the way of network promotion is dazzling and varied. Bannar advertising, mass mailing, soft messaging, forum posting, blog advertising, viral promotion, and more. SMEs have little knowledge of how to promote corporate websites. They do not know what kind of promotional methods they will use to achieve low investment and high returns.
It is true that publicity and promotion on the Internet is naturally essential, but too many ineffective promotions, even if they are used more often, are eventually equal to zero, in vain and without effect. Website promotion is a very comprehensive knowledge. If you lack a profound and full understanding and understanding, and no professional guidance, I am afraid that the effect is difficult to achieve as one wishes.
Third, lack of flow conversion capacity
Many companies, after setting up a corporate website, think that customers can come to the door only if they leave a contact address or phone number on the website. This single conversion method is obviously difficult to convert visitors into customers in a timely manner. Business information messages, free telephone callbacks, instant messaging tools, corporate map navigation, customer ordering features, etc., these very important means of conversion, but did not appear in the corporate website.
Fourth, the lack of marketing effectiveness assessment
The evaluation of the effect after the promotion has always been a topic of concern in the industry, and it is also a difficult problem to control. How much traffic does it have each day? How much publicity does it play? How much value does the flow bring? How much value does the current website value? How to make the next promotion plan? This is a result of the promotion of the website. Business performance assessment directly related to the problem.
An enterprise website, if it can't make an objective and real business assessment of the promotion effect of the corporate website, is as hard as it is, but it does not know how the final result will be.
The emerging network marketing 2.0 theory has carried out in-depth analysis and research on the promotion and propaganda effects, and has determined a set of network marketing effectiveness evaluation programs. From the analysis of the detailed traffic data of the daily web platform to the business information statistics obtained by customers, accurate measurement and comprehensive calculations have been performed. It allows customers to observe quantitative and digital actual promotion results in a timely manner, thus avoiding the confusion that previous network marketing effects cannot or cannot be grasped.
The analysis and grasp of the results have become another obvious feature of Internet Marketing 2.0. Dr. Dong Yingqun, an expert in Internet marketing 2.0 theory, said in his theoretical article “Effective Assessment of Internet Marketing 2.0â€: “The general needs of user groups determine that online marketing effectiveness assessment services must be based on business value analysis. Those currently only provide basic The tool for statistical analysis of traffic is clearly difficult to consistently win the user's approval."
V. Network Marketing Talents as the Final Bottleneck
Whether it is the establishment of a marketing website or the most effective promotion and promotion method, whether or not it can ultimately achieve the desired marketing results will ultimately be attributed to human factors. It can be said that people ultimately determine the effectiveness of Internet marketing.
To build a marketing-oriented website, you need to plan talents, design talents, and technical talents; promotion of a marketing-oriented website also requires specialized promotion talents and marketing talents. Obviously, most of these small and medium-sized enterprises are unable or difficult to have, and are not practical. Therefore, it is natural for many SMEs to entrust online marketing work to third-party network marketing companies, or to recruit professional network marketing talents, and even to participate in online marketing professional training.
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