High zinc yield in vegetables

Zinc is one of the essential trace elements in crops. Many vegetables have obvious yield-increasing effects after applying zinc fertilizer. After applying zinc fertilizer, such as cabbage, celery, cucumber, pepper, spinach, etc., it can generally increase yield by more than 12%.
Zinc fertilizer refers to zinc sulfate, which can be applied either as a base fertilizer or as a top dressing. When applied as a base fertilizer, use 2 kg of zinc sulfate per acre, mix 15 kg of fine soil, spread it evenly before the preparation of the ground, and then plow it, or apply it properly. When applied as a top dressing, it should be sprayed on the foliar surface. It can be sprayed 2 to 3 times in the seedling stage and growth stage with 0.1% to 0.2% zinc sulfate solution.
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