Pro/E Assembly Skills - Combination of Parts (4)

(8) Tangent, Pnt On srf, Edge On srf:

Use tangency, contact points, or contact edges to control how the two surfaces are in contact.

Figure 7.7: Tangent, Orient and Align combination mode

The user can select one of the above-mentioned cooperation methods to determine the relative relationship between the two parts (except for the combination of the coordinates, the matching of the two sides usually has to set two or more relative relationships).

8. Select "Done", at which point SiS will automatically assemble the parts of the secondary window to the parts of the main window, and close the secondary window.

9. Repeat steps 5-8 for additional combinations of parts.

When the combination is completed, if the user wants to display in an exploded view, the "View"-"Cosme"-"Explode" command under the Main Menu can be used to explode the assembly to re-commit the combination. Un-Explode" instruction. In addition, the relative distance of the explosion of the other components can be changed by using the "Mod Expld" command in the "Modify" mode, and then selecting the part to be changed.

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