What are the basic terms of pipe fittings?
Structural wall tube structuredwallpipe
The composite pipe wall structure and the pipe wall composed of a multi-layer material are collectively referred to as an open pipe rib shape, a closed rib shape (hollow) and the like.
Shaped wall tube profiledwallpipe
The inner wall is smooth, and the outer wall is a spiral, or a ring or a braided rib wall structure pipe.
Double wall corrugated pipe doublewallcorrugatedpipe
The inner wall is smooth and flat, the outer wall is trapezoidal or curved corrugated ribs, and the inner wall and the outer wall corrugated are hollow shaped tube wall tubes.
Annular rib tube annularribbedpipe
The inner wall of the tube is smooth and flat, and the outer wall has a shaped tube wall material with annular reinforcing ribs.
Spiral rib tube helicalribbedpipe
The inner wall of the pipe is smooth and flat, and the outer wall reinforcing rib is spiral, and the shaped pipe wall pipe made by the spiral winding process.
Flat wall tube plainwallpipe
A homogeneous tube wall pipe with a smooth outer wall of the inner wall of the tube.
Nominal diameter (DN) nominaldiameter
The nominal diameter of the tubing of a thermoplastic pipe system, indicating the inner diameter of the pipe, the size of the outer diameter, or an approximation thereof.
Circumferential bending stiffness ring-bendingstiffness
A measure of the ability of a pipe to resist circumferential deformation. The color test method or calculation method is fixed, and the unit is N/m2 or KN/m2.
Elastic diameter deformation rate elasticdiameterderormationrate
Under the external pressure load, the ratio of the vertical elastic deformation of the pipe diameter to the diameter of the central axis of the pipe wall before loading. Expressed as a percentage, determined by a flattening test.
Equal path straight through equalcoupling
Reducing straight through reducingcoupling
Inner teeth straight through femalecoupling
Outer teeth straight through straighttubewithoutside90
Equal diameter elbow 90equalelbow45
Equal diameter elbow 45equalelbow
External elbow maleelbow
Equal path straight through equalcoupling
Reducing straight through reducingcoupling
Inner teeth straight through femalecoupling
Outer teeth straight through straighttubewithoutside90
Equal diameter elbow 90equalelbow45
Equal diameter elbow 45equalelbow
External elbow maleelbow
Inner tooth elbow femaleelbow
Equal-diameter tee equaltee
Reducing tee reducingtee
Teeth femaletee
External teeth three-way maletee
Cap capsch
Representative pressure lr
Long radius or 1
Half size SIZE
Quantity QTY
Carbon steel elbow CarbonSteelElbow
Stainless steel elbow StainlessSteelElbow
High Pressure Elbow High-PressureElbow
Concentric Reducers ConcentricReducers
Eccentric reducer EccentricReducers
High pressure reducer High-pressureReducers
Stainless steel equal tee StainlessStraightTee
Carbon steel equal-diameter tee CarbonStraightTee
Stainless steel equal-diameter four-way StainlessStraightCross
High-pressure three-way High-pressureTee
Wrought three-way ForgedTee
Reducing joint template
Cap Caps flange flange
Long and short diameter elbows longandshortradiuselbows
Concentric and eccentric reducer concentricandeccentricreducers
Equal diameter and reducer tee straightandreducingoutlettees
Equal three-way equal tee StraightTee
Reducing Tee ReducingTee
Track four-way StraightCross90°
Short radius elbow 90°SSElbow(SR)90°
Long radius elbow 90°SSElbow(LR)
High pressure thick wall elbow ThicknessElbowU
Tube ReturnBend
Blind flange BlankFlange
Bent pipe
Vortex Spring,Coil Springs,Vortex Coil Spring,Vortex Coil Spring Processing
Dongguan Jiufukai Hardware Products Co., Ltd , https://www.jfkspring.com