
Fusion bonded epoxy coated rebar manufacturing process:
The application of fusion-bonded epoxy coating to steel reinforcement involves four major process steps:
1. Surface preparation
Reinforcing bars are blast-cleaned to a near white metal finish using abrasive grit. This cleans the steel of contaminants, mill scale and rust. It also roughens the surface to give it a textured anchor profile. During this process, salt contamination is also removed.
2. Heating
Bars are heated to approximately 450° F, typically using electrical induction heaters, although gas-fired heating is used in some cases.
3. Powder application
The heated steel is passed through a powder-spray booth where the dry epoxy powder is emitted from a number of spray nozzles. As the powder leaves the spray gun, an electrical charge is imparted to the particles. These electrically charged particles are attracted to the grounded-steel surface providing even coating coverage. When the dry powder hits the hot steel, it melts and flows into the anchor profile (i. e., the microscopic peaks and the valleys on the surface) and conforms to the ribs and deformations of the bar. The heat also initiates a chemical reaction that causes the powder molecules to form complex cross-linked polymers which give the material its beneficial properties.
4. Cure
Following powder application, the coating is allowed to cure for a short period (approximately 30 seconds) during which time it hardens to a solid. In some plants, the curing is often followed by an air or water quench that quickly reduces the bar temperature to facilitate handling.
Fusion bonded epoxy coated rebar job site handling:
1. Storage
(1)store bar bundles on suitable material, such as timber cribbing.
(2)space the timber cribbing to minimize sagging.
(3)if the bars are to be exposed outdoors for more than 30 days, they should be covered with a suitable opaque material that minimizes condensation.
(4)store coated and uncoated bars separately.
2. Cutting
(1)power shears or chop saws should be used to cut bars.
(2)do not flame cut bars.
3. Loading and securing
(1)secure the load using nylon or protective strapping that is padded.
4. Lifting
(1)bars should be lifted using a spreader bar or strongback with multiple pick-up points to minimize sag that may cause coating damage.
(2)nylon or padded slings should be used to lift bars.
(3)do not use bare chains or cables to lift bars.
(4)unload as close as possible to the point of concreteplacement.
5. Bar supports & tie wire
(1)use bar supports coated with non-conductive material or plastic bar supports.
(2)use coated tie wire.
6. Bar placement
(1)lift and set bars into place.
(2)do not drag bars.
(3)bars with more than 2% damage may be rejected.
7. Field repair patching
(1)inspect bars after bending and repair any cracks with patching material.
(2)all damage (cut ends, cracks and abrasions) should be patched.
(3)use a two-part epoxy repair material, approved by the coating manufacturer. (follow manufacturer's directions. )
(4)bars with more than 5% patching may be rejected.
9. Traffic
(1)minimize traffic over placed bars.
10. Concrete placement
(1)avoid traffic and concrete hoses on placed epoxy-coated steel reinforcing bars.
(2)consider runway if necessary.
11. Concrete vibration
(1)use plastic headed vibrator to consolidate concrete.
LuHuan can coat rebars and steel pipe to meet a variety of specifications.  
LuHuan can also offers a full line of Fusion Bond Epoxy Application Equipment including shot blasting machine, electrostatic spray systems, dust collectors, vacuum loading systems, powder shrouds,   fire suppression equipment, shaker separators,   furnaces, air dryers, and cooling towers.        
  Advantage and Statement(Fusion Bonded Epoxy Rebar and Steel pipe):
  • Excellent Corrosion Protection.
  • More than 10 Years of Experience.
  • Extended Service Life.
  • Cost Effective Life-Cycle.
  • Nationwide Availability.
  • Sustainable.
  • Coated with epoxy resin
  • Trustworthy brand
  • Dia: 6-40mm

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