Fire pump self-test technical essentials

At present, fire pump self-test has been widely used in fire water supply system, pump self-test mode is divided into regular self-test mode and low-speed self-test mode, no matter what kind of self-test mode, the operation must follow the technical essentials, In order to make the process sound and reliable. 1) no matter what kind of self-test methods need to use PLC control. Self-test cycle is generally set at 10 ~ 15 d, each self-test run time should be 5 ~ 10 min. Fire water supply system is best to conduct a comprehensive annual test to ensure that it remains in normal working conditions, the fire pump should also be out of water (normal conditions) of the inspection, so that through the fire pump self-test the best conditions can truly reflect A fire pump actual operation conditions. 2) fire pump self-test mode should have automatic switching function in case of fire and ensure that the pump will not automatically stop after the fire pump starts. In the fire pump operation, self-test signal should not be responded. Special Note: During the fire pump self-test, if you encounter a fire operation command, you should be able to immediately interrupt the ongoing self-test action, promptly close the bypass line on the solenoid valve and confirm, forced to stop self-test. The system will automatically fire pump into normal (power frequency) conditions, the fire pump rated speed, to ensure that the fire pump water to meet the system flow and lift requirements. 3) In the fire water supply system with fire self-test, from a reliable point of view, are required to set pressure relief valve. Whether it is a constant speed self-test mode or a low-speed self-test mode, system overpressure problems may occur. If the solenoid valve is not open or soft starter, the inverter is not running properly, it may stuffy pumps. Pressure relief valve can be set in the system share.

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