Granular pesticides should not be sprayed

In the prevention and control of crop pests, some farmers often soak the granule pesticides such as carbofuran in water, and then apply the spray method after dissolving the agent in water. This is extremely unscientific and very dangerous. Because granule pesticides can only fully exert the superiority of this dosage form when applied, and more importantly, the pesticides used to make granules are generally highly toxic pesticides, such as carbofuran, phorate, etc. It is forbidden to spray the carbofuran, otherwise it is extremely unsafe. In addition, the production cost of granule pesticides is relatively high. In order to reduce the occurrence of poisoning incidents, the factory also applies a protective film on the surface of the granules during processing, and if the granules which are complicated to manufacture and expensive are made into an aqueous solution It is not economically economical. Therefore, granule pesticides must not be sprayed.
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Workstation Sink

A Workstation sink is a sink with a mechanism built in to the front and back sides of the bowl to allow accessories to sit on the step or ledge, affording the user to prepare meals on the sink instead of on the countertop. The intent behind the design is to speed up the process of food preparation and clean-up. We also support custom handmade sinks, so sinks can be customized to the size and color you need.

Workstation Sink,Work Station Sink,Workstation Kitchen Sink,Workstation Sink Undermount


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