State Grid Jiashan Company carries out safety helmet replacement work

“Master, here is the storage distribution class of the State Grid Jiashan County Power Supply Company. Now that the helmets in your hand are about to expire, you have trouble bringing the old helmets to the warehouse. We will update the helmets for you.” April On the 7th, along with a telephone call, Jiashan’s helmet replacement work officially kicked off.

Do not look at the helmet is usually uncommon, but, "a small helmet, contains a great truth." The smooth surface of engineering plastic helmets and the raised top ribs on the top of the caps are actually tailored to reduce the impact of falling objects. A mesh cap around the cap is a key part of the helmet. It effectively delays and reduces the pressure transmitted to the head and neck. More importantly, it absorbs the impact. Most of the impact. However, the protective effect of helmets that have passed the safe use period will be greatly reduced, which is not conducive to the development of safe construction.

The replacement of safety helmets is not only a routine safety task, but also responsible for the safety of field workers. The State Grid Jiashan County Power Supply Company will gradually retrieve expired safety helmets and send new safety helmets within the use period to the hands of field workers.

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