Troubleshooting guide
If you feel abnormal during operation, please refer to the following questions and solutions. If you still can't solve the problem, please contact us and we will have someone to answer your questions.
1. Can't clear card or match card?
Please check if the DIP switch is in place or the card action is continuous. If necessary, you can redial the DIP switch.
2, the daughter card can not open / close the lock?
Please check if the card is a daughter card for this lock; or it has been deleted by the parent card.
3. Can the lock tongue not be locked automatically?
Please check if the DIP switch is set to the selected position and the baffle is installed correctly.
4. Is it difficult or faulty when the cabinet door is opened/closed?
Please check whether the size between the baffle and the bolt is reasonable. Whether the residual wood chips on the drilled side press the lock body or the wood chips fall into the lock body and jam the gear box, causing mechanical failure.
5, lock long sound alarm?
Please check if the battery voltage has reached the voltage value of the low voltage alarm; if the battery is installed loosely or the battery of poor quality causes a short circuit.
6. Does the lock have no response?
Check if the battery is installed or equipped with a key card; if there is too much oil and water on the surface of the lock reader or key card; if the key is damaged (use this key card to touch other locks, if the daughter card is damaged, Change the daughter card)
There are five general body styles of ball Valves: single body, three-piece body, split body, top entry, and welded. The difference is based on how the pieces of the valve-especially the casing that contains the ball itself-are manufactured and assembled. The valve operation is the same in each case.
In addition, there are different styles related to the bore of the ball mechanism itself.
Ball valves in sizes up to 2 inch generally come in single piece, two or three piece designs. One piece ball valves are almost always reduced bore, are relatively inexpensive and generally are throw-away. Two piece ball valves are generally slightly reduced (or standard) bore, they can be either throw-away or repairable. The 3 piece design allows for the center part of the valve containing the ball, stem & seats to be easily removed from the pipeline. This facilitates efficient cleaning of deposited sediments, replacement of seats and gland packings, polishing out of small scratches on the ball, all this without removing the pipes from the valve body. The design concept of a three piece valve is for it to be repairable.
Stainless Steel Ball Valves, Brass Ball Valves, Sanitary Ball Valves, Water Ball Valves